Monthly Archives: April 2014


Hey guys! This is my second time posting for slice of life! I really enjoyed it the first time and would love to do it again, so here i am! Hope you enjoy. Today is monday April twenty-eighth two thousand thirteen! That means today is election day! As many of you may know there are IBSO officers and this year many people are running for those officer positions. G-Hall is plastered with tons of posters, sparkly ones, light up ones, moving ones, plain ones, meme ones, selfie ones, colorful ones and huge photos of the candidate ones. As perfectly summed up by Sarah Abel “IB kids are so extra.” Yes they are, yes they are. Through these elections you see the true side of people. During elections people turn cold and attack their competitors. They start rumors and talk bad about their own peers. I believe that any of those running that turn to dirty tactics should not be elected.
The period of the voting everyone is shouting “Vote ….” , “….. is the best” , “…… for vp” and it is extremely desperate xD I find it really funny. A word to the wise, desperation is never the answer
But the big shocker is the news that there was a super mega tie in the elections. People in three categories came extremely close to winning, many votes were in single digit differences. Angie El-Said and Saad Chowdhury for president, Joshua Chang and Andrew Hellinger for Vice president, and Christine Chan and Erine Kay for treasurer. So now every IB student has to go on google documents and revote between the two people in the three categories.
Now everyone has to wait and see who wins these run-off elections. I wish everyone the best of luck in the elections, may the best candidate win!


This moment made me think of how God loves us and wants to take care of us
I saw this moment, and it made me think of how God loves us and wants to take care of us ❤

The subtle difference between happiness and joy makes things a tad more bearable for me. 

Today was a new experience. Usually when everything that could go wrong does go wrong, I know that I can confidently go to my best friend to seek comfort. That, however, didn’t happen this time. I was devastated and my best friend was nowhere in sight. 

I was unsure about what to do. Everything in life had suddenly become hectic throwing me off-balance so I went after His still small voice. I turned to God because I know He is in control. I know that even though I don’t always see Him working in my life, He is always there working for my good. Even when I don’t understand. Something in that moment between God and I built a newfound foundation for me. A place for me to stand on more firmly than before. I let myself lean on Him and He took me into His arms like a dad does to his child.

The day may have been a wreck, but God remained perfect and God remained my strength. See, He was the hope I was needing. My circumstance left me helpless, but He picked me up.

So what’s the difference between happiness and joy? Well, happiness is because of your situation, and joy is in spite of your situation. Joy has a name, and to me, that name is Jesus.

– Lizzie M.

Earth Day!!

Hi readers! So it’s earth day! But shouldn’t pretty much everyday be earth day since we should all take care of our planet and clean it up everyday of the year. But instead of spending the day doing work for the planet I spent the day at school, as usual. And I also didn’t come home until 8 because of pit rehearsal for the musical, the Addams Family! And not only was today just Earth Day but it was also my mother’s birthday. We didn’t do anything too special because of the time I came home but we did buy her a cake and a gift and sang happy birthday. Even though it wasn’t hugely festive, it was still nice.



The truth about Jealousy

Everyone has desired something they can’t have. Either it it’s food or a person; everyone wants something. Although, as someone desires grow; a evil green monster begins to grow.

That monster, that gut reaching monster. That monster that tugs at your heart. The one that deceive your mind your soul. It cause you to feel true hatred or ragging anger.  It makes you do things that wouldn’t normally do.  It’s the pit of evil in your soul.

This monster, that green little monster only brings sadness and disappoint. How can something so wretched and disgusting be within your spirit? Why, why do we fell this way; why do we struggle with something so trivial? I want that, I want this. These words are said daily; why aren’t there words said. I’m grateful for what I have, I’m satisfied with what I have. If these words were said daily would that green little monster be there.  Of course, it’s in our human DNA; it’s a human characteristics.

Why do we crave something we can’t have?  We see someone wearing the latest styles and can’t help but want them. Or your ex has moved on and you can’t seem but hate your new replacement. People do dangerous things when they can’t have something they want. It could stealing,  physical abuse or murder. The only way to prevent this little monster of growing is be grateful for what you have.  The next time you feel that green little monster coming up to the surface lock it up and swallow the key.




Dies ist dein Leben

Hello ! I am back again for another blog post, which is still a legit awkward thing to do by the way. It’s been a while since a posted that post about how you must be confident and live your life, and since then I’d like to think that I’ve taken my own advice and I think it’s working out pretty well. But this week I’ve also noticed just how hard it is to live your life with so many people around you all the time and how much humans crave other people’s acceptance.
This week I’ve thought about just how hard it is to drop the people who were holding you back, but I’ve given myself the challenge of doing things for me and not giving in to something being hard. When I look at people who I used to be so close with of course it’s sad but I’m happy I’ve grown from that chapter in my life, no matter how much I want to go back I know eventually it’ll be for the better which is really the only thing I’ve been holding on to for the past two weeks.

Because of that I want to say this blog post is about hard choices in your life but really there are worst decisions that some people have to make. So I want to ask you, what’s something in your life that though it hurt at the time you’ve realized you’ve grown from it and are grateful for the experience. I mean if we go through nothing how are we expected to grow and learn to become humans.
You are the only one who can change yourself and your future and make yourself who you want to be. Maybe you want to be that girl who everybody likes just because she’s a nice person, or that girl who is known as confident and determined, maybe you’re the type of person that doesn’t want to be noticed at all, really the only thing you can do is be yourself and love it because at the end of the day if you’re not yourself then who the hell are you going to be ? ~ Maria

“In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.”~ Etta Turner


Fcat Week

This week is Fcat week and I am prepared to do the best I can in order to pass it. With the motivation of my mom,it is very possible for me to succeed. Iade sure I had a good nights sleep the night before the exam. My mother prepared me a good breakfast in the morning with coffee and she wrote me a letter for good luck. The letter says that she is very proud of me because of all of the work I’ve done this year. I can always look up to my mom as an inspiration for me to achieve. That letter made me smile. I wouldn’t have any idea where I would be without her help and unconditional love. In the letter she talked about how much she loves me. During the Fcat, I was so confident and through out it all, I kept a positive mind. I took the Fcat with calm and answered the questions as best as possible. I love my mom with all my heart because she is the most amazing women alive.



Probably the best day of the week ( usually ), however Friday this week was the best day for me. Yesterday 4/11/14 was our Cypress Creek 2014 Kickball Tournament which was an extreme success. It was a great turn out with many people from our school coming together to enjoy our Friday afternoon playing the classic game of Kickball. I had the honor of playing on my team #THEUNIT. We were undefeated till the final game which we lost 6-7. We played a hard game against #TEAMJAKE keeping them from scoring over 20 like they did with the previous teams. In the end it was all about having fun and for sure we all did.


#THEUNIT will return with the victory next year 

2015 we are waiting for you !


Some fun facts about today in History ( March 12 )

  • 4/12/1664 New Jersey becomes a British Colony
  • 4/12/1935 England establishes 30 MPH speed limit for towns 
  • 4/12/1938 Nazi Germany invades Austria (Anschluss)
  • 4/12/1945 New York is the first to prohibit discrimination by race & creed in employment
  • 4/12/1963 The Beatles perform as a trio, John Lennon is ill with a cold
  • 4/12/1970 US lowers voting age from 21 to 18
  • 4/12/1985 Larry Bird scores 60 points to break the Boston Celtics record

Have A Great Weekend Everybody !


Nothing Was the Same, Cuz Its Friday

As the artist Rebecca Black sang “It’s Friday, Friday,, everybody looking forward to the weekend”. Most people have plans of Friday. Whether it be hanging out with their friends or eating out with family, its the last day of the work week, and the beginning of a relaxing weekend. I actually had plans to hang out with my cousins in Tampa, but sadly I cannot hang out with them because their dad, my godfather, left with my parents on an emergency trip to California. So here I am, home alone with my sister, who is probably sleeping or texting.

So what is a bored teen like I to do in the midst of a boring Friday night? I went to Eagle Park originally to play some basketball, but none of my friends were there and it was pretty much empty, so I just shot around for a half hour and walked back home. Since I have nothing else to do, I minus well listen to music. I just went into my room, closed the door, and blasted music on my phone. In fact, I am listening to music and sitting on my bed as I write this.

Music is something that we all find very special to our hearts. Some of us prefer contemporary music such as the likings of Justin Timberlake, Drake, or Jhene Aiko, whereas others may still like the old classics of Michael Jackson, 2Pac, or Elvis. No matter what you listen to, we all share one thing in common about music: we listen to it to “feed our soul” and listen for our pleasure and enjoyment, which is universal among all music listeners. Where words fail, music speaks.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, and remember, when you are really bored and have nothing to do, do your homework, because we have a lot of it right now. Just kidding :), but really, listen to music, because it always puts us in our own little peaceful world where we can relax and forget about the world. As I like to say, headphones in world out.

What’s Your Escape?

Life is a journey, as they say, filled with surprises, challenges and adventures. In the middle of everything, things can get pretty stressful at times. As IB students, we can understand how challenging it truly is to maintain balance. From our responsibilities to our expectations, there is no end to the tasks we must complete. However, we all have something that can free us from our worries: our escape.

For some it may be reading yourself away to another world, and observing silently from above. For others it may be music, creating it and becoming a part of it. For me, it is art.

No matter how stressed out I am, drawing has always been able to calm me down. It actually gives me time to sit down and think about things. It frees me from my ignorance by helping me to put my thoughts into perspective.

I started drawing in the sixth grade after taking an art class. At first, no matter what I tried, I simply could not draw. All my circles ended up looking like ovals, my lines were always crooked, and my shading was atrocious. However, at the end of the day, I still looked forward to art class. Despite not being able to draw, there was something about having the freedom to create anything you wanted on a piece of paper that really enchanted me.This new found passion for drawing provided me with an outlet to free myself from my meaningless worries.


Everyone has something in their life that provides them an escape. Something that they are passionate about, something that they love doing. Some may create new worlds and write stories, and others may play a part in a whole new dimension by playing video games. It give us the freedom to be able to dream.

What’s your escape?

– Shirin Kundu

IB Cheating Scandal

            So it’s April 9th, 2014 and I could write about how I had a great sweet sixteen a couple weeks ago, or Asma’s wonderful party, or my guinea pigs but I decided to go for a more serious approach. As most of us know, IB is tough and you have to work very hard to get the grades you want and the grades you need. Most of us have friends we rely on for help with work, whether it’s a Chemistry lab for Mrs. Singh or a quick AP World assignment. But where’s the line between cheating and correctly helping each other?
           The “IB Scandal” that has gone on this week I feel took a turn for the worst on every single student in IB. I’m not even in Mrs. Gardner’s class, but from what I can see, it was a pretty horrible situation.  I talked to my sister, Anna, who graduated last year from IB and her wise words are “IB is tough, really tough, but you’ll realize in the end of senior year that a couple bad grades in sophomore year doesn’t really affect your chance of getting the diploma. You’ll realize that cheating is not the way to go in IB, just put in the effort and I promise you’ll get the grades you deserve. So why cheat?” Take the advice if you want, or not…
            I feel like it may seem like the end of the world when we walk into a test not knowing anything because we feel asleep the night before, but I always listen to what my mom has told me, “When you cheat, you’re only cheating yourself.” Cheating is just a way to try and get good grades without actually learning anything. You’re only cheating yourself in the sense that by taking the easy option and cheating yourself out of an education which, in the end, can only hurt you in the long run. So with that, HAPPY WEDNESDAY.

On a brighter note, here’s a picture of my guinea pigs. Puff and Lola. They’re cool lil guinea pigs. I GOT A CAR and I get my license in 7 days! Um, we only have 7/8 weeks of school left? (((((((((While you’re reading this, you should vote Priya Alexander for IB Junior class rep :-))))))))) Time Flies! Happy Wednesday everyone! (even though I’m posting on Thursday)
